Нашла кроссфик по ГП и "Доктору Хаусу"
Missteps by RaeWhitДиалог между Снейпом и Хаусом просто brilliant!
читать дальше"Did he happen to mention that your brain could leak out of that little hole in your skull? Oh wait. Maybe that's already happened, given that you're making such an asinine decision. Or is this just a Brit thing, being an ass?"
"No, that appears to be an American thing," Severus retorted without batting an eye. "Are you being intentionally rude, or are you just trying to compensate for the fact that you're a cripple?"
There was a fragile standoff, the two adversaries staring at each other like sparring cobras. Harry was holding his breath, and one glance at Wilson told him that the man was enjoying himself immensely. Harry relaxed slightly at the sight of the half-smile tugging at the corner of Wilson's mouth.
House stood and limped to the bed, used the tip of his cane to flip the clipboard from the end of it, then caught it deftly with his other hand. Balancing the cane against his leg, he began to leaf through the pages. "You've been informed of the problem with your blood-work?" He didn't look up when Severus replied.
"Consider yourself discharged, then." He looked up, and nodded at Severus, who inclined his head in reply. House turned to Harry. "No intercourse for two weeks, or any other deviant sexual activity that might increase the pressure in his brain. Unless you don't mind having a vegetable for a partner. In the event that happens, find someplace else to take him. We're fresh out of stupid pills here."
House MD,