Перед рождественскими спешиалами будет еще и шестисерийный мультфильм. С завтрашнего дня его по 7-ми минутным эпизодам будут показывать он-лайн на сайте ВВС, а 5 декабря можно будет посмотреть все 45 минут полностью.

First came Doctor Who. Then came Torchwood, the grown-up spin-off starring John Barrowman. Then came the children’s TV series The Sarah Jane Adventures. And now the BBC’s sci-fi bods have commissioned a brand new spin-off: a series of six animated Doctor Who mini-episodes of seven minutes each featuring the voices of David Tennant, Georgia Moffett, David Warner, Stuart Milligan and Clarke Peters. From regular Who scriptwriter Phil Ford, Dreamland is a 3D HD animation (which should please both the geekiest of Doctor Who fans and the children who barely remember the time when animations were drawn with pens).

The new adventure sees the Tardis touch down in the New Mexican desert where the Time Lord befriends a young waitress Cassie (Moffett) and her friend Jimmy (Tim Howar). But when the Doctor activates a mysterious alien artefact the US army escorts him to Area 51 – also known as “Dreamland”. Because the team is only using computers to create each episode the producers have packed in plenty of explosions and monsters that wouldn’t be possible in a live-action episode.

A new instalment will be available daily on the Doctor Who website from tomorrow and the full 45 minutes will be broadcast on BBC Two on December 5.

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