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The long haired gentleman and settled across from him, and leaned slightly forward on the cane, frowned, looked away for a moment, and then back to Julian.
“Julian… I’m here … well, mostly on behalf of the Ministry.”
Julian laughed, nervously. “Which one? The Home Office? International Development? Oooh, … how about … Justice?” he quipped bitingly. “This is a very bloody odd time of day for it though, and why the … “
“Please, Julian, this is quite important, and a difficult subject to broach…” Julian quietened, the fatigue of the late hour making him somewhat less alert than he might otherwise have been and so he paused, and once again, cocked an eyebrow.
“The Ministry I speak of is the Ministry … of Magic.”
Бедный Ассанж, про него уже кроссоверы с ГП пишут
The truth is - you’re a wizard, Julian.
And there are a whole level of hidden secrets you have not even begun to touch upon.