По Торчвуду две новые аудиокнижки выходят - Department X и GhostTrain, обе читает Кай Оуэн.
СаммариG.R. Owen is the last of Cardiff’s old department stores.
Times are hard and the ancient firm has gone into administration. But who are the Administrators? What goes on behind the shutters at night? And why are customers disappearing?
Torchwood are already investigating; G.R. Owen is the site of their oldest unsolved cases, and Jack is determined to solve it before the store closes forever - which is why Ianto is working undercover in gentlemen’s fashions and Gwen is in handbags. Are the new managers really aliens? What connection do they have to the mysterious G.R. Owen himself? And is Jack the only one looking for the Department of Curiosities, last seen in 1905?
СаммариIt’s not easy being Rhys Williams. You’re married to the sexiest woman in Torchwood. She saves the world for a living, you move lorries round in a timely fashion. Suddenly, you’ve got a mystery of your own. Oh, it starts off being about missing fridges.
But it leads to a midnight train pulling into an abandoned platform at Cardiff Station. What is the mysterious cargo that Rhys is unloading from the train? Where’s it going? And what can be behind it? Rhys Williams is going to get to the bottom of it. All by himself, thank you very much. Soon Captain Jack is missing, his wife’s dead, and it’s up to Rhys to try and put everything right. And find those fridges…Фраза "married to the sexiest woman in Torchwood" звучит как-то сомнительно, принимая во внимание, что действие происходит между вторым и третьим сезонами, и, следовательно, в Торчвуде работает лишь одна женщина, а, как известно, на безрыбье и рак рыба, в смысле, Гвен - самая сексуальная женщина